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BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130)

Cocktail | A grappolo
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo view-3 L
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo front L
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo view-2 L
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo view-3 L
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo front L
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo front S
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo view-2 S
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130) product photo view-3 S

Indeterminate cocktail tomato variety for heated cultivation. Preferably grafted on a vigorous rootstock and suitable for a long cultivation period and for cultivation under artificial light. The fruits are with a greenback and appr. 40 grams in weight. For this variety a m2 price is calculated.

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Nome varietà
BRIOSO RZ F1 (72-130)
Numero di introduzione
72-130 RZ
Tipologia di varietà
Linea di prodotto
GSPP, Vendita a mq
Resistenza (HR)
Resistenza (IR)
Pn (ex On)

Highly productive salad tomato

This cocktail tomato is a popular choice for heated cultivation; because of its above-average truss production the yield is high. It is also chosen for the flat and uniform trusses, the lack of cracking and good shelf life. This tomato has an all-round usability. With its modest size and nice taste, it is a salad tomato in optima forma.


‒ High overall yield
‒ Uniform trusses
‒ Easy to pack
‒ Low crack sensitivity